Windows to Sterna |
The Wildscreen search portal for younger users The Wildscreen search portal is targeted at younger users and allows to search and retrieve bird related content. Test the Wildscreen search portal
The NCB Naturalis search portal for birdwatchers The search portal has been developed with birdwatchers in mind. Its goal is to enable users to search for content on bird species in more than one way and to refine search results in an intuitive manner. The portal provides different ways to search for content items in the STERNA information space, each approaching the content from a different angle. For example you can search for content from a specific date or period, from specific locations or with subject keywords. Test the bird watchers search portal
The Archipelagos search portal for tourists and boaters at sea The search portal is targeted at users travelling at sea, either as boaters or as visitors, and who like to know more about marine and coastal birds and bird life. Test the Archipelagos search portal
The Heritage Malta search portal for a generally interested audience Along with a text-based search functionality, this search portal offers a wizard which supports a silhouette search for finding birds. Test the Heritage Malta search portal |